I'm constantly doing things within my stories that are purely for my own amusement. like how when someone in the Connector says they've been 'nowhere special' it means that they were in the potty. but i never say that "out loud" in the story. it's a secret... well, not anymore i suppose.
Speaking of the connecter i've brought it home and put it back on the desk shelf with the rest of them. For the past few days i've opened up the binder and been like meh... and instead have been thinking about the monstroscity. so i whipped it out and cut it into pieces and saved some of it and wrote a new outline and bought a new notebook and here's where my own hilarity comes in:
i always write on the front of them what they are so, you know, i know what they are... and on the front of the new one i wrote:
The third rewrite of the Nameless Monstroscity that now has a name. and how fitting that it's a yellow notebook because the first attempt was yellow too.
Other things that make me laugh. The new outline is titled "Events of Goings On" and one of the headers is a reference to Futurama and i giggled over it as i wrote it:
War Were Declared.
now i'm gonna go work on my string timeline cuz i bought one of those folding display boards that you use in school for projects
... there's some extreme method to your mental illness. tell me, does it run in your family?