Monday, April 12, 2010

The Study Continues...

Yesterday i wrote the first chapter of a Shade and Shadow yesterday at work. i was so into it that when i finished (17 pages, about 3,000 words) i left work cuz i didn't want to be there anymore and have to read a book about some story that i didn't write myself.

I have trouble jumping into the next chapter all at once, i usually let everything i wrote the day before gel until the next day. occasionally there are long chapters, or short ones, but i notice that the ends of those chapters where i write them at the beginning of a new day are generally pretty thin as i hurry to get to the next chapter...

its just like the ends of most of my first drafts. I always get wishy washy at the end knowing that so much is still up in the air as far as the story goes. Things change while i write so the ending isn't always what it seems until i go through in revisions and notice all of those little bits that i didn't see before...

anyway, i'm on to chapter two today, i hope. i generally have trouble writing on non work days simply because the environment is different, and there's a tv and internets to distract me. My notebook has been sitting open to the first page of chapter 2 waiting for the inspiration of the first line...

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